Friday, November 18, 2011

Positive Reaction (AKA FAILED!)

Day 2 on the challenge portion of the food trial did not go well.  I flared; majorly.  And, the hard thing is I do not know if I flared up because of my hormone cycle or the food I added.  And, if it is the food, I'm going to guess that it wasn't the oatmeal.  I was really bummed.  Really, really bummed.  When  you finally get a day when you feel good, it's like this high.  Somehow you truly forget how bad the pain can be, and every time I am able to convince myself that I am healed and done with this.  Then, the pain shows up...and you're like, "Oh yeah....I remember this..."  Well, I almost gave up and binged, but then I remembered that this can be a positive test for learning how to beat this cystitis.  Instead of failing, perhaps I have gained a new piece of information.  So, instead of a fun blog today, I'm going to have to dwell on the illness.

The Numbers:  11/18/2011:  I want to note, that I think this was starting to build up yesterday, prior to my challenge of the Milky Way.  I noted I could feel the vulvodynia start.  Plus, I'm in a stressful period right now. I am finishing work at My Current Practice (I guess I should just call it The Ghost Cat Practice), and am still waiting to finalize on my next job.  AND, as if that weren't enough, my parents invited themselves to my home yesterday (they will show up Saturday).  "Why is that stressful?" you ask.  Don't ask.  You don't want to know.  Lastly, in favor of the hormone theory, my abdomen started to swell last night, like when I first started the Lupron.

FoodBreakfast:  oatmeal and brown sugar.  Lunch:  Venison Stew (venison, carrots, celery, sea salt, olive oil) and oatmeal cookie mush (oatmeal, olive oil, pear, brown sugar).  The pain was starting, so for some reason, I accepted the continued challenge of a full sized Milky Way bar (dumbass!).  Snack: carrots/celery.  Dinner:  orange roughy, olive oil, sweet potato deep fried, asparagus.
Medications:  Prosed DS every 8 hours, amitriptyline SID, Advil (2) at 2:00pm, Prelief at dinner (2), Zyrtec SID.
Pain:  cystitis 3 in the morning.  Up to 4 at lunch.  From 3-5pm was a 2.  6-7pm a 5.  Improved after 2.5 mile evening run and maybe prelief....who knows.

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