Tuesday, November 22, 2011

System Failure: Reboot

With all of my traveling with work and doctor's appointments, I have gotten to love books on CD.  No, my 2005 Toyota does not have an mp3 player; I think I bought my car one year too soon.  Out of the several books I have gone through this year, I am proudest of East of Eden by John Steinbeck (it was an Oprah Book Club recommended read).  The book I am the most ashamed of is The Host by Stephenie Meyer.  I still can't figure out if I am more ashamed that I checked this one out from the library or that I finished the whole 22 CDs of crap (a day of my life, gone forever).  The one that I did enjoy the most (this I feel somewhat ashamed about) is Stephen King's The Cell.

King can write some crap.  However, when he gets it right, it's really good.  The intensity and the character development can be superb.  But, King will always have two faults.  First, the ending will always suck.  The villain and the destruction of the villain is never quite as good as it should be.  Second, (and this is the one things that really makes my husband go crazy with frustration) he never seems to research his technology.  Somebody, get this guy a better editor.  Anyway, with The Cell, the ending is not great, but decent.  The same can be said for the technology.  My husband's job involves the transmission of cell phones.  He said the technology research was fair.  I'll take it.

Anyway, in the book, a bad signal is sent through everyone's cell phones to turn the phones' users into some crazed homicidal zombies.  Over time, a "worm" or something similar gets into the computer producing this signal and sends messages with errors.  The effects on later zombies are variable.  They are less homicidal and more...I don't know...I can't explain it.  Let's just say that our protagonists are always talking about the cell's signal producing a "system failure" in our brains.  They wonder if there would be a chance to "reboot" the brains and try to pull back all the old memories and functions from before.  That's how I feel about this elimination diet.  It's not going so hot.  Either I (on my first day on it) and severely allergic to the first item I touched (milk?  chocolate?  brown sugar?), or this experience is all hormonal and I will be driving myself crazy trying to find some stupid correlation that doesn't exist.  So, to summarize, my body has experienced a "system failure" and it's time to "reboot" back to lamb, sweet potatoes, etc.  It's just so hard when Thanksgiving is here, and I home-made blueberry pie in the oven as I type this.  For real.


The Numbers:  I have delayed typing all of this because (1) I am busy, and (2) because I don't like the numbers.  I'm like this in business too.  I am aware that there is a money problem, I have a decent idea what the extent of the problem is and ideas on how to fix it, but I don't want to know that actual numbers of what's going on.  For instance, I know that when I receive a job cancellation that I lost a few hundred dollars, but I haven't recorded the actual number of days I have been canceled on.  I made a promise that in 2012 I will track this (oh, it will be painful!).  For now, I promise to better track my eating.

November 19, 2011:  Food:  Breakfast:  pear, sweet potato.  Lunch - my notes say "lamb", but I thought I was out of it.  Dinner:  olive oil, sea salt, asparagus, venison, carrots, celery.
Medications:  ProSed DS TID, amitriptyline SID, Zyrtec SID, 2 advil at 5:45 pm.
Pain:  Woke up great - no pain from 8:00am-9:30am.  Then, went to Yoga, when I started to feel icky.  Painful bladder of a 4 all day.

November 20, 2011:  Food:  Things got bad today.  Breakfast:  sweet potato.  Lunch:  venison, carrots, sea salt, olive oil, celery.  Snack - oat meal, brown sugar, pear, olive oil.  By now, the bladder pain is a 10.  I get pissed and eat all that I want for dinner (don't judge; life is hard) - pancakes (flour, eggs, milk, baking powder, margarine) with Heath pieces (it's as good as it sounds) and marshmellows.  Whole Foods french bread and asiago cheese.  Halloween candy - Laughy Taffy, Nerds, Gobstoppers.
Medications:  ProSed DS TID, amitriptyline SID, Zyrtec SID, 1:00pm 1 Flexeril and 2 Advil (helped for an hour).
Pain:  Bladder starts at 7 and builds to 10.  Mood/depression an 8.  Vulvodynia 2.  Mood and pain seems helped by food or time...improved by 9:30pm.  Overall, very bad day.

November 21, 2011 - Physical Therapy day:  Food:  Breakfast:  sweet potato, oatmeal, olive oil, brown sugar, pears.  Lunch:  venison, carrots, olive oil, sea salt, pears, celery.  Snack around 12:30 pm - Oreo cookie parfait frosty from Wendy's (it's good).  Later afternoon snack:  Whole Foods asiago cheese, French bread, and same candy as yesterday.  Dinner:  orange roughy, olive oil, asparagus.  After 5pm pain started, I lost all control again:  1/3 box of mint Oreo cookies, peanut butter on toast.
Medications:  Prosed DS TID, amitriptyline SID, Zyrtec SID.  9pm - Vicoden.  Prelief before frosty.
Pain:  Work up feeling so great compared to yesterday.  Bladder is at a 2.  This all changes at 5pm.  Post defecating vulvodynia becomes an immediate 5 and persists.  Mood/depression a 7.  A great day turns very bad.  Not to be gross, but I could tell I ovulated this morning, and it needs to be noted.

November 22, 2011 - Food:  Breakfast: Oatmeal, brown sugar.  Mid-morning snack - back to the mint Oreos.  Lunch: Oatmeal, brown sugar, mint Oreos.   Dinner:  Venison, carrots, sweet potato, olive oil, sea salt. Did start a cheese cake today, and I did taste the batter.  More on that tomorrow.
Medications:  ProSed DS TID, amiptripyline SID, Zyrtec SID, Flexeril around 12:30 pm after jogging and sex.  I'm sure I will take a Vicodin tonight - I am that uncomfortable.
Pain:  Today seems improved, I guess.  Bladder pain is a 2, but the vulvodynia with visible erythema is working a 7 or 8 now.  This started around 6pm, and no obvious trigger noted (unless we want to include Oreos).  Low estrogen?

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